Blade Runner 2049 Reviews

Article #1:

Personally, I disagree with this review of the film. The review states that 'This film delivers pure hallucinatory craziness that leaves you hyperventilating.' I felt that most of the film consisted of scenes where essentially nothing was happening and this impacted the action of the film. These scenes were not needed and the 2 hour 44 minute movie could have been cut down by an hour. I do, however, agree with the fact that this is a very interesting concept but I feel that the movie did not do it justice.

Article #2:

I agree with this review on the fact about the visuals. 'The sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic manages to be both visually stunning and philosophically profound'. While I did not enjoy the story line I will admit that the setting and scenery was quite impressive. Like Kermode mentioned in his review, much low-key lighting was used. This added to the mystery and drama in which the movie focused on and showed the audience how much of a dystopia this city is.

Article #3:

I believe that what this review is trying to suggest is very interesting. It is true that dystopian sci-films have become very popular lately- films like 'The Hunger Games', 'Maze Rnner', 'Divergent', etc. The fact that this writer is trying to say that these movies can link with our current time really makes you wonder and, when you think about it, it may be true. 'Blade Runner 2049 asks what it means to be human, and it boldly ventures some suggestions. It is the ability to form connections, to empathise with others, to love, to have values. It is also the will to act, to resist, to fight for those values. “Dying for the right cause is the most human thing you can do,” says one character.' Perhaps there are some people today who question their humanity?


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