Preliminary exercise: Feedback and learner response

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full.


  • Opening shot with wine glasses creates good enigma codes as no faces are shown at the start
  • Music is appropriate for the scene
  • Setting, lighting and costume are appropriate 
  • Handheld camera shot
  • Shot outside the window- the audience is looking into their lives
  • POV shot at the end was very effective- blurred 
  • Non-diegetic sound used well, sound at the end (heartbeat and music)
  • Effective narrative- tone/mood shift
  • Could have used shot/reverse shot in conversation
  • Some parts of the sound had an echo (dialogue)

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and your teacher feedback, write three WWW bullet points (What Went Well) and three EBI bullet points (Even Better If...) for your film.

  • The cinematography was very good- the type of shots, different angles
  • Non-diegetic sound used was appropriate and effective (heartbeat, suspenseful music)
  • Enigma codes well established
  • Some shots were too shaky/blurry
  • There was an opportunity to use shot/reverse shot during the conversation
  • Music was overpowering their voices in some cases

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your preliminary exercise statement of intent?
I believe that I completed the objective I carried out in my statement of intent to a high extent. However, I believe that I could have improved the ending by showing the audience what the knife was used for, adding to the horror.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?
I have learnt that many things can go wrong when filming. It is important to test the external microphone and check that it is working correctly (as I had lots of blurriness in sound). Also, I have learnt that I must plan every shot in the smallest details to ensure that filming is done quickly and effectively.

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, what are your current plans for your actual coursework? This could include genre, narrative, characters, filming locations etc.
For my actual coursework, I plan to stick with the horror genre. I am going to be creating a new narrative that is unrelated to my preliminary task. I plan to use lots more characters and lots of different locations, such as a forest.


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